Facebook Ads

Facebook Ad Formats #

Facebook has many ad formats you can use depend on your advertising objective.Your objective can also affect the placements (Facebook, Messenger, Audience Network) where your ads can appear. See below graphic for all the options available.

Most Popular Formats #

Image Ads: #

A simple way to showcase your product. Using one still image, you can show how your product or service is used. 

At least 1080 x 1080 pixels

Video Ads: #

A way to show your product in action. Keep videos short (less than 15 seconds) Start with a bang to engage audience. 

4:5. Ratios from 16:9 to 9:16 are supported

Carousel Ads: #

Uses up to 10 photos or videos. readers can flip through multiple images or videos, each with its own headline, link, or description. 

Carousels are great for introducing readers to a broad range of your products, as each image in the carousel can have its own landing page specifically tailored for that product.

At least 1080 x 1080 pixels

Collection Ads: #

MOBILE ONLY. Targets customers that are searching for products and will buy quickly. Collection ads are perfect for large online stores.

At least 1080 x 1080 pixels

Lead Ads: #

MOBILE ONLY. Collects contact information from customers quickly.

Instant Experience Ads: #

MOBILE ONLY. Allows you to create a full-screen experience and allow users to interact with your ad.

Recommended image width 1080 pixels


Facebook Ad Placements #

As mentioned, your ad placement can variety depending on your business adjective. See graphic below for examples.

Facebook Ads Structure #

Facebook ads require 4 things: Image or video, Headline, Description and Click-thru URL(where you want the customer to go once they click on the ad). See below graphics for details and requirements.

Ad Specs #


Call To Actions #

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